TRAVEL PHOTOGRAPHY: Oliver's Newborn Session - Charleston, SC
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Monday, January 30, 2023
By Miles of Smiles Photography
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All sessions are special to me.  But there are some sessions with some people that just hit home in the most special of ways. 

This was one of them.

I first met Kat from a photography group on Facebook - way back in 2012 I believe.  I had a 3 year old and a tiny baby, was working until midnight each night, and was burning my candle at both ends and quickly.  Miles of Smiles Photography was growing really fast, and it was clear that in order for me to keep photographing sessions and doing all.the.things to run a growing business (and still be a good Mama to my littles), I needed help.  

Kat began editing for me.  (How does that work?  I still take the photos, get settings right in my camera, do first edits to them to make them look like my images, and then send them off to her.  She fixes skin, hair, backgrounds, etc.  And then I do finishing edits, and WALLAH... because of her help, sessions were now AHEAD of schedule, I was getting more sleep at night, and MAGIC = COMPLETED.) 

Since knowing Kat, not only has she been an incredibly valuable part of my business... but she has become like a Sister to me.  Love this girl!

Then Came Oliver...

When I first heard she was pregnant in early 2021, I was SO excited!  And when she asked if I would come out to Charleston to photograph his Newborn Session, I booked that flight immediately. 

Flashback to September of 2021:

I had never been to Charleston before.  We had so much fun... Not only did I get to stay with them and photograph this gorgeous, special family of three... but I also go to take over "Oliver duty" a bit so that they could nap, sleep in, and just relax.  It was the best of both worlds... newborn photography AND getting to snuggle the little guy for hours and hours.  He reminded me so much of my own little Miles when he was a newborn.

We had some fun out and about in Charleston, too.  

And - it was pure magic having her in front of my camera... this time as a Mama.    


Recently, Kat has used her creative genius to make incredible pieces of jewelry.  And let me tell you... I want to share it with the world, because it is SO GORGEOUS.

You've got to go check it out here... so many little lovelies!  And the story behind her business is one of the coolest I've heard.




Kat was also a Newborn Photographer, and did incredible work. But once Oliver arrived, she knew that she wouldn't be able to run her business and be a stay at home Mama at the same time.  So, over time, she phased out of newborn photography.  She was going a bit stir crazy at home not being able to photograph things, so she started making and selling her (AMAZING!) jewelry at artisan markets around Charleston and in her Etsy shop.  

On maternity leave, she received a little notebook with the word "gratitude" written on it in gold foil.  She started writing in the journal daily, and one day while staring at the golden foiled "gratitude" word, she thought to herself... "A little golden gratitude... that's kinda fun!"  And from this, (and a lot of creative genius and hard work!) Golden Gratitude Collective was born.  

Head on over and support an incredible women & Mama owned business.  


